
Dani Arribas-Bel is Deputy Director of Urban Analytics at the Turing, and senior lecturer in Geographic Data Science at the Department of Geography and Planning of the University of Liverpool. Prior to his appointment in 2015, he held positions at the University of Birmingham, the VU University in Amsterdam, Arizona State University, and University of Zaragoza. He holds honorary positions at the University of Chicago’s Center for Spatial Data Science, the Center for Geospatial Sciences of the University of California Riverside, and the Smart Cities Chair of University of Barcelona.

His research combines urban studies, computational methods and new forms of data, and has been published in journals such as PLOS ONE, Journal of Urban Economics, Demography, Geographical Analysis, or Environment and Planning (A/B/C). He is member of the development team of PySAL, the Python library for spatial analysis, currently serves as co-editor of the journal “Environment and Planning B - Urban Analytics & City Science” and the “Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A - Statistics in Society”, and chairs the Quantitative Methods Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society.


Screenshot showing the DemoLand application


Spatial modelling for land management predicting the impact of large-scale planning and land use changes on the quality of life.

Logo of the urban grammar project

Urban Grammar (Signatures)

This project uses satellite imagery, Ordnance Survey data and ML models to characterise urban area use into a number of distinct categories