
Dustin is a software engineer working to make transportation planning tools more widely accessible. He originally gained an interest in agent-based modelling and simulation from a background in creating computer games. He graduated from the undergraduate Computer Science program at the University of Texas at Austin. There he built a traffic simulation that allows a fleet of autonomous vehicles to participate in auctions to move through intersections more quickly. He then joined Google Cloud in Seattle, where he worked on backend systems for Google Compute Engine. In 2018, he started A/B Street, an open-source project to let interested citizens explore and propose changes to road networks to improve walking, cycling, and public transit. He joined the Urban Analytics team at The Alan Turing Institute in December 2021.


Screenshot showing the ATIP application


An online tool to design, modify and share active travel infrastructure plans as part of ATE's offering

Screenshot showing the bus spotting application

Bus Spotting

View GTFS public transit data and compare real-time bus data to idealized schedules

Screenshot showing the LTN application

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods tool (LTN)

A software tool and web app to study and communicate about design and impact of LTNs. Dev

Screenshot showing the od2net application


Tool to rapidly generate route networks in different formats

Showing a set of OD pairs which have been processed by the application


Disaggregate zone-based origin/destination data to specific points for building travel-demand models

Screenshot showing the osm2streets application


Transform OpenStreetMap data to street networks with detailed geometry and semantics

Screenshot showing the demoland application


Get all the census you need or want using popgetter

Animation showing someone drawing a route in MapLibre and it snapping to roads

Route Snapper

Draw routes in MapLibre snapped to a street network using client-side routing
