
Professor Shaddick is Executive Dean of Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Royal Holloway University of London and co-Director of the Joint Centre for Excellence in Environmental Intelligence, a joint research centre with the UK Met Office. He is Director of the UKRI funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Environmental Intelligence: Data Science and AI for Sustainable Futures and is co-lead of the recently established theme in Environment Sustainability at The Alan Turing Institute, where he is a Turing Fellow. He is the author of over 180 publications and co-author of two books. He is a member of the UK government’s Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP) and the sub-group on Quantification of Air Pollution Risk (QUARK). He leads the World Health Organization’s Data Integration Taskforce for Global Air Quality and led the development of the Data Integration Model for Air Quality (DIMAQ) that is used to calculate of a number of air pollution related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals indicators.


Image of hills with trees and the glow of a fire behind them

Clim Recal

Collection of methods to de-bias climate projection data (sub-component of DyME-CHH but also used as independent codebase)

Image of hills with trees and the glow of a fire behind them

DyME - Climate, Heat and Health (DyME-CHH)

Use disaggregated climate data to model the health effects of heat exposure in different population groups, based on where they live and how they move