Grigorios is a Senior Research Data Scientist at The Alan Turing Institute. He is passionate about using data science to help solve difficult societal problems. He received his PhD from Imperial College London, where he co-designed MCMC algorithms and specialised hardware (FPGAs) to accelerate large-scale Bayesian inference.
He then worked as a data scientist in industry for three years, getting involved in a wide range of projects, from food waste minimisation and predictive maintenance to time series forecasting and dynamic price optimisation, while helping to build and train a large data science team.
Clim Recal
Collection of methods to de-bias climate projection data (sub-component of DyME-CHH but also used as independent codebase)
DyME - Climate, Heat and Health (DyME-CHH)
Use disaggregated climate data to model the health effects of heat exposure in different population groups, based on where they live and how they move