
Stuart Lynn is a developer, data scientist and tinkerer whose interests involve widening the participation in scientific discussion and inquiry to non-traditional communities through the development of tools and active participation in citizen science and collaborative processes. He holds a Master in Mathematical Physics and a PHD in Astrophysics from the University of Edinburgh. In previous roles he has worked with non-profits and NGOs with the Two Sigma Data Clinic, lead the Data Science team at CARTO and was the technical lead for the citizen science platform The Zooniverse. He is the lead developer of the Matico project and has built a number of other open source tools focused on understanding and using data.


Image of hills with trees and the glow of a fire behind them

Clim Recal

Collection of methods to de-bias climate projection data (sub-component of DyME-CHH but also used as independent codebase)

Screenshot showing the DemoLand application


Spatial modelling for land management predicting the impact of large-scale planning and land use changes on the quality of life.

Screenshot showing the demoland application


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