# definitions
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import datetime as dt
import tracc
from r5py import TransportNetwork, TravelTimeMatrixComputer, TransitMode, LegMode
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import product # needed for generating all combinations of O-D pairs
"--max-memory", "8G"])
= "/Users/azanchetta/OneDrive - The Alan Turing Institute/demoland_data"
# regional level files: (require previous editing)
= (
oas_centroids_file f"{data_folder}/processed/OA_centroids_TyneWear.gpkg" # used for population origin
)= f"{data_folder}/processed/authorities/OA_TyneWear.gpkg" # needed for visualisation purposes
oas_file = f"{data_folder}/processed/authorities/LADs_tynewear.shp" # needed in order to filter greenspace data within the regional boundaries
region_lads_file = f"{data_folder}/processed/authorities/WPZ_centroids_tynewear.gpkg" # needed for destinations centroids coordinates
workingplacezones_centroids_file # greenspace_sites_file = f"{data_folder}/processed/accessibility/greenspace-sites_tynewear.gpkg" # needed for calcualting opportunities at greenspaces (area)
# greenspace_entrances_file = f"{data_folder}/processed/accessibility/accessTOgs_tynewear.gpkg" # needed for destinations centroids coordinates
= (
greenspace_file f"{data_folder}/processed/accessibility/greenspace_tynewear_edited.gpkg"
)= f"{data_folder}/processed/accessibility/wpz_tynewear_occupation_edited.csv"
# national level files
# greenspace_file = f"{data_folder}/raw/accessibility/OS Open Greenspace (GPKG) GB/data/opgrsp_gb.gpkg"
= f"{data_folder}/raw/accessibility/tyne-and-wear-latest.osm.pbf"
osm_data_file = f"{data_folder}/raw/accessibility/itm_north_east_gtfs.zip" gtfs_data_file
Appendix A — Measuring accessibility
This notebook contains the code used to develop accessibility models for Tyne and Wear. The same backbone applies to both job and green space accessibility.
A.1 0. Variables definition and data import
# import
# origins (IE output areas, OAs)
= gpd.read_file(oas_centroids_file, layer="OA_centroids_TyneWear")
oas_centroids "id"] = oas_centroids[
# Origin dataset must contain an 'id' column for r5py
# destination data
# green space sites' entrances
= gpd.read_file(greenspace_file, layer="access_points")
# Destination dataset already contains an 'id' column
gs_entrances.head() # WPZ centroids
= gpd.read_file(
wpz_centroids ="WPZ_centroids_tynewear"
workingplacezones_centroids_file, layer
wpz_centroids.head()"id"] = wpz_centroids[
# Destination dataset must contain an 'id' column for r5py
= gpd.read_file(greenspace_file, layer="sites")
# network data
# uploaded in the sequent operation
# opportunities / land use data
= pd.read_csv(
jobs_file# working place zones, population (as a proxy for n of jobs)
) # note: opportunities column is called "pop"
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
A.1.1 CRS conversion
# Converting the original files' crs to GWS84, which is compatible with GTFS and OSM data
= oas_centroids.to_crs("epsg:4326")
oas_centroids_wgs84 = gs_entrances.to_crs("epsg:4326")
gs_entrances # gs_sites = gs_sites.to_crs("epsg:4326") # let's leave the layer in epsg:27700, as we need the prj for calculating the areas
= wpz_centroids.to_crs("epsg:4326") wpz_centroids
A.1.2 Origins and destinations
OBJECTID | OA11CD | GlobalID | geometry | id | |
0 | 126926 | E00041377 | c03c9813-26f3-41f9-85e5-d4cdf3742ca0 | POINT (425583.000 562952.000) | E00041377 |
1 | 126927 | E00041435 | 16e6607e-0b59-4f6f-8ec6-06a7396a70a5 | POINT (427216.699 555732.531) | E00041435 |
2 | 126928 | E00041745 | 4b5fa995-b251-4ee7-9a97-aef0a2598fe3 | POINT (427897.004 559557.605) | E00041745 |
3 | 126929 | E00041432 | 6e660884-3917-4e46-a693-bad0821318cb | POINT (427856.367 555759.595) | E00041432 |
4 | 126930 | E00041742 | 0bfb7f06-a910-4fa2-8db1-e79d319ba232 | POINT (427932.556 559770.754) | E00041742 |
OBJECTID | wz11cd | GlobalID | geometry | id | |
0 | 2 | E33000251 | {AF2BD35C-B624-4E2D-9C78-F26DF4FCABCE} | POINT (-1.41992 54.91839) | E33000251 |
1 | 3 | E33000799 | {8CB93749-3349-462C-93C7-B6E321CC765C} | POINT (-1.61606 54.97382) | E33000799 |
2 | 4 | E33000257 | {03204BF6-50A6-4AD1-855F-C7BBE6D8137B} | POINT (-1.53272 54.90010) | E33000257 |
3 | 5 | E33000079 | {53333BDF-9792-4370-94AB-BE7853FA2ACA} | POINT (-1.62268 55.01104) | E33000079 |
4 | 8 | E33000174 | {35114C58-FAA7-4E83-9724-ACED166052D5} | POINT (-1.50942 55.02269) | E33000174 |
id | accessType | refToGreenspaceSite | geometry | |
0 | idD93E3AB6-BDCE-483D-B3CF-4242FA90A0B7 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.55733 55.03322) |
1 | id951F323D-8E88-4A5B-B9A4-37E0D69DD870 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.56184 55.03333) |
2 | id0E14522B-427F-47C1-B043-BC3847ABE673 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.56197 55.03340) |
3 | id0FECA8F4-6053-4147-A11D-62B01EC6C135 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.55989 55.03344) |
4 | id1BED7A99-E143-48C3-90CE-B7227E820454 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.55988 55.03359) |
# origins:
# OAs
# destinations:
# gs: entrances + OAs centroids
# jobs: wpz centroids + OAs centroids
# total destination: OAs centroids + wpz centroids + gs entrances
= oas_centroids_wgs84
# destinations common fields: 'id', 'geometry'
# simply concatenate the dataframes...
# need to keep the info on greenspace site's name to link with the entrances later on
= pd.concat(
["id", "geometry"]],
oas_centroids_wgs84[["id", "geometry"]],
wpz_centroids[["id", "geometry", "refToGreenspaceSite"]],
]=True) ).reset_index(drop
A.1.3 Opportunities
# jobs: n of employees per WPZ
# greenspace: area of site
# add column with opportunity ... one for all?
A.2 1. Travel time matrix computation
A.2.1 Generate the transport network
Compute the network starting from OSM and GTFS data
# load in transport network
= TransportNetwork(osm_data_file, [gtfs_data_file]) transport_network
A.2.2 Create an empty matrix that contains all origins and destinations to be used later on
This table will be filled up once we calculate the ttm
# # # only for testing purposes:
# k = 1000
# # selecting first n rows of dataframe for origins and destinations
# # origins = oas_centroids.loc[:k, :]
# # destinations = wpz_centroids.loc[:n, :]
# # selecting random rows, so to make sure we have both wpz AND gs_entrances in the selection of destinations
# origins = origins.sample(n=k)
# destinations = destinations.sample(n=k)
# generate dataframe with all from_id and all to_id pairs
# (empty for now, to be filled up later on)
= product(origins["id"].unique(), destinations["id"].unique())
prod = pd.DataFrame(prod)
empty_ttm = ["from_id", "to_id"]
empty_ttm.columns empty_ttm.head()
from_id | to_id | |
0 | E00041377 | E00041377 |
1 | E00041377 | E00041435 |
2 | E00041377 | E00041745 |
3 | E00041377 | E00041432 |
4 | E00041377 | E00041742 |
A.2.3 Travel time matrix
The following piece of code is split in 2: - first part is definition of variables that will be inputted as parameters in the ttm computation - second part is the loop to generate ttm for several transport modes
# defining variables
= "2023,01,19,9,30" # CHOOSE BEST DATE/TIME
date_time # max_time = dt.timedelta(seconds=900) # SET TO 15 MIN
= 4.8
walking_speed = 16
cycling_speed # dataframe to match legmode and transitmode objects (to be inputted in the ttm computer):
= pd.DataFrame(
["transit", TransitMode.TRANSIT, LegMode.WALK],
["car", "", LegMode.CAR],
["bicycle", "", LegMode.BICYCLE],
["walk", "", LegMode.WALK],
],=("Mode", "Transit_mode", "Leg_mode"),
# function to generate custom list of transit+transport mode for the parameter transport_modes in TravelTimeMatrixComputer
def list_making(s, z):
return [s] + [z]
= empty_ttm
# loop to compute a ttm for all the modes and generate one single ttm table in output
for row in modes_lut.itertuples():
= dt.datetime.now()
start_time = row.Mode
mode = row.Transit_mode
transit_mode = row.Leg_mode
leg_mode = list_making(
transit_mode, leg_mode# creating list of objects for transport_modes parameter
"The current mode is:",
mode,", transit is:",
transit_mode,", transport var is:",
)= TravelTimeMatrixComputer(
destinations=dt.datetime.strptime(date_time, "%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M"),
departure# max_time = max_time,
= ttm_computer.compute_travel_times()
ttm = ttm.rename(
ttm ={"travel_time": f"time_{mode}"}
columns# renaming 'travel_time' column (automatically generated) to 'time_{mode of transport}'
) sum() # checking for empty values, to see if the ttm actually calculated something
ttm.isna().# merging the empty table generated before (with all possible origins and destinations) with the ttm, per each mode adding a travel time column
= ttm_complete.merge(
ttm_complete ="outer", left_on=["from_id", "to_id"], right_on=["from_id", "to_id"]
ttm, how
print("finished calculating ttm for mode", mode)
= datetime.now()
end_time print("Duration for", mode, ": {}".format(end_time - start_time))
The current mode is: transit , transit is: TransitMode.TRANSIT , transport var is: [<TransitMode.TRANSIT: <java object 'com.conveyal.r5.api.util.TransitModes'>>, <LegMode.WALK: <java object 'com.conveyal.r5.api.util.LegMode'>>]
finished calculating ttm for mode transit
Duration for transit : 0:07:34.098400
The current mode is: car , transit is: , transport var is: ['', <LegMode.CAR: <java object 'com.conveyal.r5.api.util.LegMode'>>]
finished calculating ttm for mode car
Duration for car : 0:21:01.904903
The current mode is: bicycle , transit is: , transport var is: ['', <LegMode.BICYCLE: <java object 'com.conveyal.r5.api.util.LegMode'>>]
finished calculating ttm for mode bicycle
Duration for bicycle : 0:16:26.882727
The current mode is: walk , transit is: , transport var is: ['', <LegMode.WALK: <java object 'com.conveyal.r5.api.util.LegMode'>>]
finished calculating ttm for mode walk
Duration for walk : 0:03:23.352848
/usr/local/anaconda3/envs/demoland_r5/lib/python3.9/site-packages/r5py/r5/regional_task.py:224: RuntimeWarning: Departure time 2023-01-19 09:30:00 is outside of the time range covered by currently loaded GTFS data sets.
from_id | to_id | time_transit | time_car | time_bicycle | time_walk | |
0 | E00041377 | E00041377 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
1 | E00041377 | E00041435 | 31.0 | 12 | 37.0 | 99.0 |
2 | E00041377 | E00041745 | 32.0 | 11 | 25.0 | 63.0 |
3 | E00041377 | E00041432 | 43.0 | 16 | 39.0 | 107.0 |
4 | E00041377 | E00041742 | 33.0 | 12 | 24.0 | 60.0 |
# # saving ttm in output
# ttm_complete.to_parquet(f"{data_folder}/processed/accessibility/ttm_complete.parquet")
A.3 2. Accessibility calculation
Using jamaps/tracc package
A.4 Accessibility to jobs
= ttm_complete.copy(
ttm_jobs =True
deep# saving a copy of the matrix (the following operations will add columns to it, but we want to keep the original one also)
# generate tracc cost object
= tracc.costs(ttm_jobs)
= ["transit", "car", "bicycle", "walk"]
# empty dataframe to be filled up in the next for loop
= origins[["id"]]
for m in modes_list:
# generate variable names to be used in the tracc function below
= "time_" + m
cost_name = ["from_id", "to_id"]
travel_costs_ids = "wpz11cd"
supplyID = 15 # value for impedence function, to be changed as needed
impedence_param = str(impedence_param)
impedence_param_string = "cum_" + impedence_param_string + "_" + m
cost_output = "pot_cum_acc_" + impedence_param_string + "_" + m
acc_column_name = "pop"
opportunity # Computing impedance function based on a 15 minute travel time threshold.
impedence_func=impedence_param, # to calculate n of jobs in n min threshold
# Setting up the accessibility object. This includes joining the destination data to the travel time data
= tracc.accessibility(
acc_jobs =ttm_jobs_tracc.data,
# Measuring potential accessibility to jobs, using a 15 minute cumulative impedance function
# acc_pot_jobs = acc_jobs.potential(
# opportunity = "pop",
# impedence = cost_output,
# output_col_name= "pot_acc_" + cost_output
# )
# the above function generate overwrite the column at every loop
# so we reproduce the same function (from tracc documentation) per each mode:
= (
acc_jobs.data[acc_column_name] * acc_jobs.data[cost_output]
)= acc_jobs.data.groupby(acc_jobs.data[travel_costs_ids[0]])[
].= acc_pot_jobs.merge(
acc_pot_jobs ="outer", left_on="id", right_on="from_id"
group_sum_bymode_acc, how )
from_id | to_id | time_transit | time_car | time_bicycle | time_walk | cum_15_transit | cum_15_car | cum_15_bicycle | cum_15_walk | wpz11cd | pop | pot_cum_acc_15_walk | |
0 | E00041377 | E00041377 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | E00041377 | E00041435 | 31.0 | 12 | 37.0 | 99.0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | E00041377 | E00041745 | 32.0 | 11 | 25.0 | 63.0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | E00041377 | E00041432 | 43.0 | 16 | 39.0 | 107.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | E00041377 | E00041742 | 33.0 | 12 | 24.0 | 60.0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
id | pot_cum_acc_15_transit | pot_cum_acc_15_car | pot_cum_acc_15_bicycle | pot_cum_acc_15_walk | |
0 | E00041377 | 32139.0 | 318618.0 | 107910.0 | 11817.0 |
1 | E00041435 | 4839.0 | 164613.0 | 8649.0 | 3814.0 |
2 | E00041745 | 865.0 | 208472.0 | 9597.0 | 865.0 |
3 | E00041432 | 2086.0 | 67634.0 | 11214.0 | 2086.0 |
4 | E00041742 | 865.0 | 170808.0 | 10267.0 | 615.0 |
# saving output to external file
A.5 Accessibility to greenspace
# edit greenspace layers
# change the 'id' column name, as it's the same in both layers and generates issues later on
# ['id', 'accessType', 'refToGreenspaceSite', 'geometry']
gs_entrances.columns ={"id": "id_entrance"}, inplace=True)
gs_entrances.rename(columns# ['id', 'function', 'geometry']
gs_sites.columns ={"id": "id_site"}, inplace=True)
# calculates sites' area:
"area_m2"] = gs_sites["geometry"].area gs_sites[
gs_sites.head()="area_m2", cmap="plasma", scheme="NaturalBreaks", k=10) gs_sites.explore(column
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
id_entrance | accessType | refToGreenspaceSite | geometry | |
0 | idD93E3AB6-BDCE-483D-B3CF-4242FA90A0B7 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.55733 55.03322) |
1 | id951F323D-8E88-4A5B-B9A4-37E0D69DD870 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.56184 55.03333) |
2 | id0E14522B-427F-47C1-B043-BC3847ABE673 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.56197 55.03340) |
3 | id0FECA8F4-6053-4147-A11D-62B01EC6C135 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.55989 55.03344) |
4 | id1BED7A99-E143-48C3-90CE-B7227E820454 | Pedestrian | idE56DE6C0-48DC-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | POINT (-1.55988 55.03359) |
id_site | function | geometry | area_m2 | |
0 | idE56DE6D8-CA9A-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Play Space | MULTIPOLYGON (((440767.260 552692.600, 440777.... | 1560.70565 |
1 | idE56DE6D8-C9DE-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Religious Grounds | MULTIPOLYGON (((440761.280 552942.510, 440753.... | 1966.87245 |
2 | idE56DE6D8-C9BD-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Religious Grounds | MULTIPOLYGON (((440968.500 552987.220, 440983.... | 8135.95125 |
3 | idE56DE6D8-8F64-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Religious Grounds | MULTIPOLYGON (((439560.480 560021.050, 439578.... | 2868.07275 |
4 | idE56DE6D8-8F65-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Cemetery | MULTIPOLYGON (((439858.700 560473.170, 439817.... | 153540.65735 |
# associate park area to entrances
= pd.merge(
gs_entrances_with_parkarea "id_entrance", "refToGreenspaceSite"]],
gs_entrances[["id_site", "function", "area_m2"]],
how )
id_entrance | refToGreenspaceSite | id_site | function | area_m2 | |
0 | idCAC0A6B3-0FDB-446D-8E36-700AF2CC1256 | idE56DE6D8-CA9A-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | idE56DE6D8-CA9A-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Play Space | 1560.70565 |
1 | idCE043231-4C15-4265-A370-2D70261224C7 | idE56DE6D8-C9DE-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | idE56DE6D8-C9DE-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Religious Grounds | 1966.87245 |
2 | id379B3089-2FF5-4BD3-B695-9B7DA915FB02 | idE56DE6D8-C9DE-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | idE56DE6D8-C9DE-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Religious Grounds | 1966.87245 |
3 | id7AE0057A-2F40-43F3-970E-A517BBC99804 | idE56DE6D8-C9DE-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | idE56DE6D8-C9DE-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Religious Grounds | 1966.87245 |
4 | idE5DAAC5C-29B5-49A0-BB46-62C78F46BA6C | idE56DE6D8-C9DE-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | idE56DE6D8-C9DE-13A9-E053-AAEFA00A0D0E | Religious Grounds | 1966.87245 |
from_id | to_id | time_transit | time_car | time_bicycle | time_walk | |
0 | E00041377 | E00041377 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
1 | E00041377 | E00041435 | 31.0 | 12 | 37.0 | 99.0 |
2 | E00041377 | E00041745 | 32.0 | 11 | 25.0 | 63.0 |
3 | E00041377 | E00041432 | 43.0 | 16 | 39.0 | 107.0 |
4 | E00041377 | E00041742 | 33.0 | 12 | 24.0 | 60.0 |
= (
ttm_complete.copy()# saving a copy of the matrix (the following operations will add columns to it, but we want to keep the original one also)
= pd.merge(
ttm_greenspace,"id_entrance", "refToGreenspaceSite", "area_m2"]],
)# generate tracc cost object
= tracc.costs(ttm_gs_with_area)
= ["transit", "car", "bicycle", "walk"]
# empty dataframes to be filled up in the next for loop
= origins[["id"]]
acc_pot_gs = []
for m in modes_list:
# generate variable names to be used in the tracc function below
= "time_" + m
cost_name = ["from_id", "to_id"]
travel_costs_ids = 15 # value for impedence function, to be changed as needed
impedence_param = str(impedence_param)
impedence_param_string # name of the column
= (
cost_output "cum_" + impedence_param_string + "_" + m
# naming depends on impedence function threshold
) = "area_" + impedence_param_string + "_" + m
area_column_name = (
acc_column_name "pot_cum_acc_" + impedence_param_string + "_" + m
# naming depends on impedence function threshold
) = "pop"
opportunity # Computing impedence function based on a 15 minute travel time threshold.
impedence_func=impedence_param, # to calculate opportunities in X min threshold
)= ttm_gs_tracc.data
ttm_gs_df print(ttm_gs_df.columns)
# Setting up the accessibility object. This includes joining the destination data to the travel time data
# this needed to be done differently for greenspace, as opportunity is sites's area cumulative sum
# A. Filtering only rows with time travel within the threshold
print("cost output is", cost_output)
print("area column name is", area_column_name)
# tracc_15min = ttm_gs_tracc.data[ttm_gs_tracc.data.loc[:,cost_output]==1] # this doesn't work because of the different lenghts of the columns generated per mode
= (
ttm_gs_tracc.data[area_column_name] "area_m2"] * ttm_gs_tracc.data[cost_output]
)= ttm_gs_tracc.data
# B. Filter entrances (only one per park)
= ttm_gs_df.sort_values(cost_name).drop_duplicates(
oneaccess_perpark "from_id", "refToGreenspaceSite"]
oneaccess_perpark.head()# C. Assign metric as sum[parks' area]
# generate df with one row per OA centroid ('from_id') and sum of sites' areas - per each mode
= oneaccess_perpark.groupby(["from_id"])[
area_column_namesum() # .reset_index()
gs_acc.append(gs_metric_per_mode)= pd.concat(gs_acc, axis=1) gs_acc
Index(['from_id', 'to_id', 'time_transit', 'time_car', 'time_bicycle',
'time_walk', 'id_entrance', 'refToGreenspaceSite', 'area_m2',
cost output is cum_15_transit
area column name is area_15_transit
Index(['from_id', 'to_id', 'time_transit', 'time_car', 'time_bicycle',
'time_walk', 'id_entrance', 'refToGreenspaceSite', 'area_m2',
'cum_15_transit', 'area_15_transit', 'cum_15_car'],
cost output is cum_15_car
area column name is area_15_car
Index(['from_id', 'to_id', 'time_transit', 'time_car', 'time_bicycle',
'time_walk', 'id_entrance', 'refToGreenspaceSite', 'area_m2',
'cum_15_transit', 'area_15_transit', 'cum_15_car', 'area_15_car',
cost output is cum_15_bicycle
area column name is area_15_bicycle
Index(['from_id', 'to_id', 'time_transit', 'time_car', 'time_bicycle',
'time_walk', 'id_entrance', 'refToGreenspaceSite', 'area_m2',
'cum_15_transit', 'area_15_transit', 'cum_15_car', 'area_15_car',
'cum_15_bicycle', 'area_15_bicycle', 'cum_15_walk'],
cost output is cum_15_walk
area column name is area_15_walk
from_id | to_id | time_transit | time_car | time_bicycle | time_walk | id_entrance | refToGreenspaceSite | area_m2 | cum_15_transit | area_15_transit | cum_15_car | area_15_car | cum_15_bicycle | area_15_bicycle | cum_15_walk | area_15_walk | |
0 | E00041377 | E00041377 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1 | NaN | 1 | NaN | 1 | NaN | 1 | NaN |
1 | E00041377 | E00041435 | 31.0 | 12 | 37.0 | 99.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | NaN | 1 | NaN | 0 | NaN | 0 | NaN |
2 | E00041377 | E00041745 | 32.0 | 11 | 25.0 | 63.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | NaN | 1 | NaN | 0 | NaN | 0 | NaN |
3 | E00041377 | E00041432 | 43.0 | 16 | 39.0 | 107.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | NaN | 0 | NaN | 0 | NaN | 0 | NaN |
4 | E00041377 | E00041742 | 33.0 | 12 | 24.0 | 60.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | NaN | 1 | NaN | 0 | NaN | 0 | NaN |
Exporting results in output
Plotting results
= gpd.read_file(oas_file, layer="OA_TyneWear")
oas_boundaries = oas_boundaries.to_crs("epsg:4326") oas_boundaries_wgs84
= oas_boundaries_wgs84.merge(
oas_boundaries_jobs ="geo_code", right_on="id", how="right"
acc_pot_jobs, left_on )
oas_boundaries_jobs.plot("pot_cum_acc_15_transit", cmap="plasma", scheme="NaturalBreaks", k=10
oas_boundaries_jobs.explore(="pot_cum_acc_15_car", cmap="plasma", scheme="NaturalBreaks", k=10
column )
oas_boundaries_jobs.explore(="pot_cum_acc_15_transit", cmap="plasma", scheme="NaturalBreaks", k=10
column )
= oas_boundaries_wgs84.merge(
oas_boundaries_metric ="geo_code", right_on="from_id", how="right"
gs_acc, left_on )
oas_boundaries_metric.explore(="area_15_transit", cmap="plasma", scheme="NaturalBreaks", k=10
column )
oas_boundaries_metric.explore(="area_15_car", cmap="plasma", scheme="NaturalBreaks", k=10
column )